Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What are the Apples in My Life?

Just saw this video this morning, and it is too cute! Thank you for posting, Bruce Cunningham!

This really got me thinking. The kitten has no idea what those apples are. In fact, except for a few carbs, they might actually be good for him (or her)! So I asked the Tarot: What are the "Apples" in My Life?" What am I afraid of or maybe even attacking that is not that big of a deal and is not going to harm me? What am I resisting that may actually be of some help to me?

While shuffling Tarot of the Sweet Twilight (English and Spanish Edition), the 3 of Pentacles jumped out at me, sideways, no less! I don't think I've ever had a card come up sideways!

3 was the number of cards I had chosen to draw. In the video, it looks like there are 3, or possibly 4 apples (I couldn't tell), but 3 is a great standard number for readings, so I was going to go with that. In this deck, 3 is "a meeting of minds...well-matched skills...when [3 elements] come together, a special magic occurs and great things happen." Apparently, I need to increase my contacts right now, which is something I have been focusing on. In RWS (Rider-Waite-Smith) decks, the 3 of Cards indicates recognition and satisfaction for a job well done. It can indicate a flowering or growth. The fact that this is sideways is probably due to the choice I am currently facing.

Because I have had SO many repeat cards this week from this particular deck, I shuffled them, cut them 3 different times, shuffled them, threw them into a giant pile and mixed them all up, then spread them out in a giant fan and randomly drew 3 cards. You'd think THAT would do it - right? I drew:

GAH! I can't even believe it. (Well, okay, yes I can.) But still. Drawing the same cards over and over doesn't necessarily make for good blogging. :-)

These are all cards I have drawn this week. Those of you who read my blog on Harry Potter saw the King of Chalices (Cups) turned right-side up. What you don't know is that I did a One-Card Comparative Spread last night for myself using 13 decks. My card was the King of Chalices, Reversed. (I was going to put the spread on my blog, but it turned out to be way too personal. I am planning to do a Comparative Spread on something else soon.)

So here I am, sitting again with the King of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, and the King of Chalices. A new bit of information in this spread, though: The 2 of Wands is facing the King of Chalices, and is moving away from the King of Pentacles. I take this as a good sign in the direction I wish to move.

At any rate, I hope everyone enjoyed the video, and that it gives you something to think about. What ARE the apples in your life?

Happy Readings!
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  1. Outstanding, Post, Ame! I find your words always enlightening and brilliant. okay I am a big fan. So, it does not matter how many ways you mix the deck--the Universe has a message you that you either do not recognize or do not want to act on. Oh duh! Now that message was for me and i know it. And I love the video.what a fantastic job of finding the best music to explode the impact!

  2. Cute Video! I will continue to come back and read more about your Tarot cards, its new to me so I am trying to understand it ... Thanks for sharing and thank you for joining in on my blog hop.

  3. That was one adorable video. But your accompanying question...wow, you knocked my socks off with that one. Deep and to the point. Something we all should think about.

    So I'm not going to give you a quick answer on this. It's going to take some pondering.

    Orea (who will be following you now)

  4. Thanks, Ali. The music in that video was awesome. Whoever did it did a great job!

    Debbie - these cards are from the Tarot of the Sweet Twilight. I've been using this deck a little over a week. If you click the blue link in the post it will take you to the Amazon page with more info. I'll be switching to another deck soon. Possibly tomorrow, maybe the next day. I wanted to do a review of this deck before switching, but won't be getting to that this week.

    Orea - I'm looking forward to your answer. ;)

  5. While the video was cute, I absolutely loved your questions..And the truth is that I resist exercise which I so badly need...What am I afraid of, I wonder? Thanks for making me think, Ame.

  6. Thanks, Corinne. I lost over 100 pounds 14+ years ago - I could have told you tons of reasons why not to exercise back then. ;)
